It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of one our FBRN foster dogs. Sweet Frances died yesterday morning.
The following report comes from FBRN's Foster Placement Coordinator, Angela Good.
Many of you have probably read Frances’ foster story on the website. Her prognosis was very bleak from the beginning, but one of our wonderful volunteers agreed that she would foster her and do whatever needed to be done for her. She took an amazing turn for the better that baffled all of us. Frances was evaluated by a bulldog vet and was under the care of a specialist for her severe IBD (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) during the tenure of her foster care. She did remarkably well until sometime around August 28th, when she took a turn for the worse. At that time her diarrhea became severe and bloody again, she was losing more weight quickly and the situation seemed very grave.
Frances improved some, then got worse. She went back and forth for a bit. I talked to her foster mother on the 4th of September and she said that it was really bad. But despite her physical problems, Frances seemed extremely alert, thrived on the attention that she was getting, and did not appear to be uncomfortable. In addition to her vet, her foster mom consulted with one of our other longtime volunteers who has had alot of experience with IBD in dogs. She wanted advice on what to look for and when to know it was time to make the final decision.
On the 6th, Frances seemed to make yet another miraculous recovery, chasing a 3 year old around their house with a toy and acting like a normal, healthy girl. Sometime after midnight, the diarrhea and vomiting started again with a vengeance. Frances's mom consulted with FBRN board members who assured her that she had the full support of FBRN and that it would have to be her family’s decision along with her vet. We trusted her to know when it was time.
She called yesterday morning and said that it was time. They were up all night with Frances, she was very sick and weak. She took Frances yesterday morning and held her close while Frances passed into a world free of physical ailments.
I don't believe that Frances was without a lap to cuddle in since she got to her foster home. Her foster mom, her husband, and their four children all took turns to make certain she had plenty of attention. That alone was enough reason to rescue Frances-so that her final time would be full of love. Rescue doesn’t always have the happy ending that we all envision for these precious frogs, but I believe that Frances’ ‘ending’ was happy because of the much needed love and attention she was given in her final months. I know that Frances appreciated every thing that they did for her.
Rest in sweet, eternal peace, Frances.
Oh, no! I worried about Frances, when I saw her wan eyes in the photo. Thank God she was surrounded by love for the last months of her life! My prayers are with the foster family, as I'm sure they fell in love with Frances so completely that her absence will be as painful as though she was with them for many years. God bless you all!
Bless sweet Frances and her foster family. You will be in my prayers.
How can it be that I find myself crying for a dog I never met? This is the strength of the work you do and of the level of foster care your dogs get. Frances's people gave all they could and it was enough; she just needed to go to the other Paris. Thank your for taking such good care of her.
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