Here is Anna Belle on her pretty pink bed to help us announce the call for photos. Alas, this photo is ineligible because it is in a low resolution, and it is in vertical, rather than horizontal mode.

Photos must be of FBRN or Outpost dogs only: no other critters or people, please.
Photos must be in highest possible resolution and taken in horizontal or landscape, not vertical or portrait, mode.
Only 3 entries per dog will be accepted.
Preference will be given to photos which could be said to reflect a seasonal or monthly theme.
Please help us make this year's calendar the best ever! We will be selecting 13 photos (12 months and a cover) from the submissions we receive over the next few weeks. Get out those digital cameras and your big box of dog treats and costumes, and have some fun with your Frenchie! For photo tips, see the link to the rules page on the FBRN website homepage. The complete rules will be available very soon, so watch the front page!
Selections of the photos will be made by 9 incorruptible cohorts in the retinue of the Court of the
Frog Princess
I vote for Smeagol for the cover dog!!
And Joey One Eye HAS to be included too!
How about 14 dogs? Smeagol could be our Centerfold Dog!
lol we laugh about our bullies here too.. that your playboy pose?? centerfold for smeagol.. what a crack up.. btw when is the calendar due out?
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