Our post today is meant to show off a recent grad's humble beauty. This is Bubba, placed earlier this year with a lovely couple and their Frenchie girl. He is soooooo good-lookin'! as Jerry Seinfeld might say. More than one FBRN volunteer lost her heart to him when he was in foster care. We had to keep his location a secret to prevent volunteers from spiriting him away to their own homes! Not surprising.

Just look at these adorable head tilts from way back when. Did you evah? Is there a more photogenic little Frenchie boy? We couldn't be happier that this pulchritudinous and gallant critter has found such a happy home. He even lets his sister sleep in the cushy bed. He's a noble beast, he is. Noble.

We are very pleased to see that young Bubba just keeps getting more darling, and he is looking very fit and sleek and healthy. It's all those walks around the lake by his new place.
He's a good boy, and he's a nice boy, and he's a handsome boy. He is just like the son we never had, cries
The Frog Princess
Look at all those toys! Lucky Bubba!
that's right. I looked it up. Pulchritudinous. Great word! Perfect descriptive for this fella called Bubba.
Bubba came to visit and he stole our hearts, too! The best thing was his roll over wiggle, the most gracious and adorable invitation for dog play I've ever seen. Too bad Nico was being a snob and geezer Moose just couldn't keep up! Come back soon, Bubba.
Okay, he's darling - but what's up with those feet going east and west? Is Bubba a dancer or is it just an affectation? The French are a mystery.
The boy just has weird feet. But he does dance quite frequently. He dances & sings (yodeling a speciality, along with baying at the moon & crying when he can't make the squirrels & kitties come & play with him). His feet are part of the charm that makes him someone to remember.That and his fun loving personality. I may be partial to him being his Mom & all, but I think he is quite a guy.
I can feel a FBRN Calendar entry coming on! And, I must admit to being a little shocked at the Frog Princess's seeming disloyalty to Smeagol! I guess it's explanation must be that her feelings toward Bubba are more maternal than her visceral feelings toward Mr. Smee!
Well, I think there can be room in the Frog Princess's life for 2 men. I love my Bubba, but I have a soft spot for Smeagol myself. I don't think either of them can be resisted.When you have charm, you have charm.
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