"I took her to a friends' house today and had Sabrina meet their dog, a greyhound, and their children (ages six and eight/nine). She met the greyhound first, and was afraid of him and tried to avoid him. They took him upstairs so she could meet the kids without any distractions. When she met the kids (and the parents), she was nervous at first too; she didn't tremble but she stayed very close to me and acted like she wanted me to pick her up. So I gave the extremely well behaved kids a bag of Wellness venison treats and turned them into walking, talking treat dispensers. Sabrina fell in love in no time, and charmed her young audience immediately.
Now that we're three weeks in, we've just about seen the last of the submissive peeing. Hooray for no more piddles...not even at our friends' house today when she met four new people and one new dog! She is definitely a little bit shy when she meets new people out of the house, although she seems much more comfortable with new people in the house when we're home. So we're going to recommend that her new family take things slow with her. I do think she could go to a home with kids, but it would

She has pawed at our faces though, and for some people, this might be scary. Her only other bad habit is flying off the sofa- the arms, the back, and the front. She also seems to have some allergies and scratches her ears and licks her paws frequently. Our town is also covered in yellow pollen right now which is aggravating my allergies, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's a contributing factor. I may take her into the vet this week just to make sure she doesn't have an ear infection, but
Fair Sabrina will be joining us on our road trip to FL. She'll definitely have a lot of new experiences there, from the road trip to meeting my family, including my six young cousins ranging in age from 2 yrs. to 15! She does beautifully in the car and

She's a beautiful girl, and we can plainly see that she has a great sense of humor.
Not unlike your own
Frog Princess