Tuesday, July 25

She's a Cookie Who Will Cook Ya Till You're Done!*

Here's that wacky Cookie girl. You remember Cookie, the little Oreo-eared girl surrendered by a PA breeding operation? She needed to be spayed and have a mastectomy. We just wanted to send an update letting you know how she's settling in with her foster family. The answer is: wonderfully.
Cookie joined a gathering of children for a little while, where she was honored with a lovely balloon collar. Of course, she was carefully supervised around the children and the balloons at all times. Here's part of a note her foster mom sent:
"Cookie is doing great. The grand kids were making balloon animals and made Cookie a collar (she was never left alone with the balloons). She still needs to be watched closely when she is out with my female but as long as I say her name when she starts to stare she stops right away. She is a little love and always wants to cuddle."
As Cookie continues her rehabilitation and her lessons in how to live like a pet, including gracefully accepting the homages and gifts of the little people, we'll keep you posted on her progress. We daresay Cookie will soon be conducting herself with much of the noblesse oblige and gentility of
The Frog Princess

*We couldn't help ourselves. This line from South Pacific pops into our head every time we think of Miss Cookie.

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