Oh, Piper, we do feel your pain. We ourselves have known the pouting sulks that come with little sisters. We have two. Each was more unwelcome than the last.

For really, what are they good for but stealing one's best toys, dressing up in one's most regal clothes and scratching one's favorite records? We must admit, however, that even the most obnoxious little sisters do look sweet when they are sleeping.

Dear Piper, we wish you well with this young interloper and we urge you in the strongest terms not to pinch her or poke her or bite her, even just a little bit when you think no one is looking, regardless of the provocation. We send you our sympathy and assure you that life with sisters does get better, and soon you will forget your pouting sulks and pinchy impulses.

Remember and hold in your heart forever the happy, precious rules of primogeniture, which dictate that we first-born get to ride in the front seat, we get to sprawl in the sunny spot and we get first licks from the clean water bowl. From personal experience, we assure you these laws are writ in stone, and will bring you great and smirky satisfaction over the many happy years to come. Sincerely yours in elder solidarity,
The Frog Princess
1 comment:
I'm pretty sure that in the bylaws it says that although pinching, poking and biting are off-limits, it's perfectly acceptable to try and push her down the stairs every once in a great while.
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