And so Chuzzle caught the last barge to Avalon, or somewhere nearly as magical: Virginia! He didn't know much about playing nicely with other dogs, but the peasantry was willing to give him some lessons, and he has really taken to the lovely green grass of the lawn. His previous domain was a third floor condo with only a balcony: Great for surveying one's lands, but not so hot for a good bone-shaking fit of the zoomies or a wacky, wiggly, case of crackerdog!

"Today Chuzzle was seen at the vet and he did very well, the only issue he has at the moment is a bit of an itchy ear, so we got some drops for that. Otherwise, he is doing well, has lost a bit of weight already, and he is down to 29.7 lbs from 31 lbs on Saturday!! He has been running around here like a madman with the rest of the resident crew, so I am sure that is helping with his overall conditioning, too."
Yes, every Prince and Princess knows there's nothing like a few weeks of playing Pauper to get one's perspective (and one's waistline!) back, confirms
The Frog Princess
Speaking of happy forever homes, please, Frog Princess, put my mind at ease...I've been worrying about our Pixie, since she disappeared from Memory Lane! PLEASE tell me she's okay, and leading a happy new life, like Chuzzle will! THANKS!
this is one handsome boy!!
Don't we all feel cranky and grouchy when we are cooped up? Have fun working off some of that energy, little guy!
That is one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen! And what a GREAT name!!!
Aww, Chuzzle! We are waiting to hear if we will be your new parents! You are too adorable and we have LOTS of green space for you to run until your hearts desire! We are looking for your new play dates..teehee. Lots of love Chuz..we hope we see you soon! From Georgia-Brooke and Mark Fleszar!!
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