Here's one of Lillie's Frenchador puppies,

Her new mom says Abigail is showing Cookie all about life in her new digs. As you see, Cookie is a typical puppy, lively and enjoying the attention of her people and all curious and sniffy one moment,
and jelly-filled and completely dead to the world the next! Growing and learning and running and playing = puppy poopedness!

We confess to having a peculiar and utterly unwarranted proprietary interest in these sleek little otterly wigglers, and we hope that their families will continue to send updates and photos as the puppies grow into themselves. Happy days, young Cookie! Listen to Abigail, always carry a handkerchief and let a smile be your umbrella, advises your loving
Frog Princess
1 comment:
J'adore les Frenchadors! I hope we hear from Cookie's littermates soon -- with photos, of course!
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