Piper's fans will be happy to learn that Piper has met most of the dogs in her foster family. She will be spayed before much longer. Her seizure meds are being reduced now that she isn't in a household where little hands can slip her bits of forbidden treats. If you are interested in adopting our first Alaskan Frenchie foster, watch for her to move to the available page. Meanwhile, she'll be undergoing her spay soon, and
offerings toward her surgery would be welcome.
Here's Piper and her best pal Gigi, engaged in a bout of wrestlemania!

Frenchie wrestlemania includes all the ordinary growls and grumbles, thumps and ba-doi-doi-oings you would expect to hear in any old canine wrasslin' match But
Frenchie wrasslin' includes fascinating sounds you'll hear in no other format. Snorting, blowing, flew-pluppering, panting, eyeball bulging (yes, bulging
is audible during a good Frenchie match), and the occasional time out with poor sportsmanlike breathless threats and cursing are all to be experienced in the course of Frenchie wrestlemania.

While Frenchie wrasslin' is not a sport we would participate in during our younger days, it has a certain appeal to a feistier, formidable Frenchie of advancing years,
The Frog Princess
"AUDIBLE eye bulging"? The Frog Princess's loyal subjects in the southwestern region of her realm can corroborate the other Frenchie rasslin' noises, so we will accept the occurrence of audible eye bulging on faith...and be eagerly listening for this to manifest in our far-off corner of the realm! All hail the Frog Princess!
Piper is my favorite foster dog. Wonder if she'd like a little warmer climate?
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