We are delighted to welcome the very handsome 5 year-old Bugsy to FBRN's foster roster!

Poor Bugsy's family broke up when his owner took a job in NYC and simply could not find an apartment that would allow her to take Bugsy with her. She left him with her boyfriend, who continues to live in Southern CA, but having Bugsy didn't work out. His mom flew back to SoCal to tearfully surrender Bugsy.

Bugsy is a bit underweight right now. He will be neutered very shortly. He's a little behind on some of his shots, and in a pre-surgery assessment, the vet found that he had the most pronounced elongated palate she'd ever seen. He will undergo surgery to correct his palate problem shortly.
Bugsy is experiencing some serious anxiety and in the first day or so with us, he refused to eat. He's being kept calm in a small, darkened, private room with foster family interaction every 3 hours during the day. He's already responding very well to his foster mom, and his foster dad is looking forward to a day when Bugsy will warm up to him, too. Bugsy has had a rough little while, but we are confident that he'll be feeling better shortly. We'll have a better sense of his personality when he's settled into a routine and recovered from his neuter surgery.

We are always troubled to see a Frenchie saddened and anxious by his change in circumstance. However, we intend to smother Bugsy with attention and distract him from his nerves and sorrow. If you'd like to offer a sweet and bereft boy some support, you can visit his foster page when it comes up later this week, or simply click on the bone to the left of the
foster page. Chin up, young Bugsy, there are happy days around the corner! Somewhere there's a family aching for an adorable Bug-boy, and we are going to find them for you, never fear. We enjoy thinking of the happiness in store for a family somewhere when they learn they have been selected to be Bugsy's new people. It's a lovely thought to carry into the weekend, thinks
The Frog Princess
He's adorable!
On June 4, 2006 my precious baby boy "Tank" was killed. He was like a child to us and my best friend. There are no words to descibe the pain I feel and still feel without him each day. I feel like someone has taken my heart out and stomped on it. I miss my baby boy. I feel lost & lonely without him. I was robbed of my baby-it wasn't his time to go he was taken from me and that makes it harder to deal with. I had him cremated and his ashes sewed into a large plush pug that way I can still hold him. The pain is still unbearable at times.
I know how you feel...Maybe we need each other & I was meant to help you and you me. I am sending in an application to adopt you when you become available. I cant say it gets easier but I am hoping that we learn to at least cope with it without
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