And now, here is Mme. La Queenie, attempting to speak to you in the vernacular, as she learned it from watching television after long days in the pursuit of health and a more libertarian, egalitarian, fraternitarian attitude toward those with whom she must share her world:
"Hi Peeps,
Here's my fave ice cream mix for those hot summer days:
1 squishy banana, a few strawberries or blueberries or bit of Mango (I loves em all)
1 big carton of organic low fat plain yogurt ( Mom says there's sugar in the flavours)
Jar of natural (no sugar) peanut butter
So you throw everything but the peanut butter in the blender and hit it with your paw for just a few (gawd, I am dribblin' on the keys), then pour it into a bowl and swirl some peanut butter in sloooowly (licking the spoon after).
All you have to do then is spoon it into the ice cube tray or an empty plastic egg carton, put in the freezer, take a nap and Bingo.........magic ice cream treats for meeee!

throw the stuff in and put the lid on......
hit the switch ( keeping tongue outside the blender)

Oh boy - I can hardly be waiting

Love, Queenie"
As you prepare this tasty and healthy treat, we hope you will consider singing the French national anthem, "La Marseillaise" All together, now:
"Allons enfants de la Patrie,
le jour de gloire est arrive!"
Da-dum-da Dum Dum Dum Dum DAH-da Dum, Da-dum da Dah Dah, Dum-da DUM! hums
La Princesse Grenouille
Yummy! Does her highness have any equally tasty recipes for the ubiquitous dog biscuit? I bet they are something special!
Queenie I wuv You!! Gonna get my Mom to make this stuff too.
Little Man
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