In less than two weeks, 6 year-old Churchill has gained 3 pounds!

When we left Churchill last, he was due for another medicated bath and ointment spa treatment. Those of us who have enjoyed facials and other skin treatments may recognize the reddened skin that follows an intense cleaning and massage and treatment. The tumors are quite red, but as you can see, the infection and swelling of the skin is far less than it was. The skin on the back leg in the second photo, for instance, is nice and dry, with very little of the seeping and cracking that was evident in his first days with us.

It is great to be able to see Churchy's eyes--his entire face is visible, lumpy bumps and all. We are also delighted to see that Churchill's poor bottom is looking far less swollen and painful.
Though he has lost more hair on his nubbin tail, the sores are healing very well. Keeping him nice and clean is a big part of making sure Churchill is comfortable. Just clipping those toenails that were curled all around has made walking a pleasure!
Churchy got some visitors this weekend.

"The first thing I want to say is how lucky FBRN and Churchill were to have this foster family available when he needed it. I have been rescuing for over 20 years and I have never seen anything even close to the condition he is in. And he is better! I don't even want to think about what he was like when he was picked up.
If you had shown this case to 100 rescuers, I am confident that 99 of them would have said, "I can't handle it." I don't know if I could handle it and I specialize in train wrecks. He is clean, comfortable, obviously in no pain and quite friendly....
I brought him a peanut butter nylabone and some rare deli roast beef and he took them both quite happily. He definitely liked the roast beef. He trotted around the porch

I shudder to think how he would have ended had he not been surrendered but he obviously has forgotten about it and is enjoying life. I am grateful that his foster family is and was there for him and was willing to take him on. As I said, I doubt many others would have."
Our volunteers are the best! We'd love to have more folks join us. We are especially hard-pressed to find foster homes in the Southeast and Northeast US.
Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida foster homes are full to the rafters! If you have dog training, rescue, Frenchie, terrier, or flat-face breed experience and you think you'd like to help foster, transport or otherwise assist us in rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming French bulldogs, please get in touch with Sally Curatola, our volunteer co-ordinator, at SJCURATOLA @ Read more about helping FBRN here.

Truly, the response to Churchill's plight and condition has been remarkable. Jaw-droppingly, eye-buggingly, heart-stoppingly generous and unexpected. We thank you. Churchill thanks you. The boys in his foster home are a little ambivalent--their arms are tired from all those tummy rubs! We promised one gentle tummy rub for every donation, you'll recall. At this rate, Churchill's tummy will be well and truly polished to a mirror-like shine by the end of the week! It will reflect the love and good wishes of a great many kind and giving people.
Gratefully yours,
The Frog Princess
OMG, that poor baby! He is so much braver than I'd be, with that condition! Our love and prayers to sweet Churchill and his wonderful foster family! From Roxanne and Frenchies Patricia, Sisi, and CappyJack in AZ.
Thank you for the update on Churchill! It's good to know that he is clean and comfortable and enjoying his belly rubs and roast beef treats. Churchill is a brave and sweet Frenchie boy, and we are thinking of him and his amazing foster family every day.
xoxo Rebecca & Sir Humphries the Frenchie
those three boys(two human and churchill) look like the three musketeers! i am really happy to see he is enjoying his kids.. they are truly the best medicine.
I am glad you open your hearts and homes to the Frenchies in need. I am a volunteer for BTRNC and know how heartbreaking fostering can be. I cry each and every time one of my fosters goes to their new home, eventhough I know that is what I work for.
Keep up the good
My thoughts are with you little man. I wipe the tears away as I know you are being cherished.
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