Max was an FBRN grad from 2003. He and Lulu are very close, as you can see in the photos here. Lulu spends a good deal of time trying to keep him cleaned up and acting right, but Max is a wild thing. Here is an update from Max and Lulu's foster Mom:
"Max and Lulu are doing great, they are by far the most well behaved foster dogs I have ever had. We were out in the suburbs this past weekend - the land of green grass and fenced in yards aka puppy paradise. This weekend was especially busy, my cousin and her two daughters (ages 4 and 10 weeks), my friend from out of town, my older sister, myself, and Max & Lulu were all visiting my mother and her two large Golden Retrievers in her not so big house!

Lulu was a little skittish around Rilee (my cousin's 4yr. old daughter) at first but warmed up after a couple hours. Max relished any and all attention that was remotely directed toward him. Once, he took it a step too far and took a flying leap onto the couch where Grace (10 weeks) was lying on her back sleeping. Luckily, my cousin caught him mid-air and averted disaster. I guess he thought Grace might be getting an unfair share of the attention! Lulu was a bit more gentle with Grace, she sniffed her while she was sleeping in her car seat and then proceeded to sit next to her for a little while, they looked so cute!"

We'd like to have seen young Max being snagged mid-flight by the baby's mamma, but we must settle for an imagined visual.
Poor Lulu watched, appalled, then had several medicinal brandies to calm her nerves. Big sister to a wild thing is a tough gig. As we have mentioned, the antics of our own younger sisters frequently cause us alarm and aggravation and have tempted us to take a glass or two of revivifying refreshment at the end of a long day of princess sitting.

Max and Lulu, we are gratified to learn that you are, by and large, well-behaved. Keep up the good work, Lulu, and sit on the boy as often as needed, counsels
The Frog Princess
PS Please keep a good thought for Mad Max as he undergoes dental surgery next week to remove a cracked and decaying molar. If you've got any nice, soft chicken liver pate just lying around and going to waste we know a certain swollen-jawed Frenchie who'll know what to do with it! Mmm. Pate and Ice cream.
Lulu looks like she's regretting those brandies.
Max and Lulu have stolen my heart!
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