She's a great example, in many ways, of how animals can learn to adapt to physical problems. Lucy Lou's back legs have become atrophied and sort of fused together, and she uses them as a kind of single leg or pegleg to balance on and push off from.

The vet says that at this point Lucy Lou does not need a cart. She may require one in the future, but right now she hops along and gets by just fine. Nonetheless, a specialist has offered to look into her case and will let us know if anything can be done to improve her mobility and paralysis.

Lucy Lou is suffering from an open sore on her hip and some urine burns on her thighs. We are looking into some way to keep her clean and have found several possibilities, including a pair of rompers with suspenders, and modified newborn onesies with snaps along the bottom. Anyone with a good idea for a way to keep this hipless wonder dry and clean is encouraged to let us know.

Lucy Lou is very, very thin at the back, as you can plainly see. However, her front half is quite well-developed and muscular. She's not undernourished, but her muscles are very atrophied. If you'd like to help with the costs of fostering Lucy Lou, just click on her PayPal button and tell us your donation is for Lucy Lou.
We think Lucy Lou would like mighty cute in a little pair of pink rompers!
The Frog Princess
1 comment:
Frog Princess is beautiful, water exercise swimming a great way to keep tone for back end a must!
As to keep her stong and idependent as possible ,also rub her legs and strech and move her legs like physical therapy.
Most helpful much experience with this part,-----1.-Take a pair of Jean pants the ones they use when the female goes in heat and alter them by adding some darts by sewing them on top of jean pants 2. --make tail whole smaller .---Next 3.-buy wal-mart brand diapers like new born put them on first make sure you cut hole by using a scisor wher the tail is to go ,valro them on and then put the jean pants on next great for holding on tne diapers us baby wipes as needed.
Good luck -God Bless
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