When his family learned that moderate exercise is good for Frenchies and helps keep weight down and mood up, they took to a training regimen for Marty Crackers. He gets a calisthenics workout first, with lots of sitting, downing, staying and rolling over. Then it's time for some roadwork, but before the champ gets on the machine, he's got to be looking good and keeping those muscles nice and warm. On goes the jogging suit.

Then, a nice cardiovascular session on the treadmill, since real roadwork would be a little dangerous out in the countryside where Marty Crackers lives. After his workout, Marty Crackers hangs out in the juice bar and gets a big glass of carrot juice with a shot of wheatgrass and a raw egg. Ah! That hits the spot. Marty Crackers, you are one solid hunk of Frenchie beefcake!
We just love a dog who takes care of himself, moons
The Frog Princess
PS Speaking of hunks of Frenchie beefcake, we are still taking submissions for the 2007 French Bulldog Rescue Network Calendar. If you'd like to know more, visit the rules page on the FBRN website.
It's "walking"! ;O) It's as safe as humans walking on a treadmill. Obviously, you should be right there to supervise. If your dog doesn't like it and/or fights it (beyond the initial insecurities) - don't do it.
I'm not worried about a Frenchie whose mom or dad dotes on him so much as to dress him in a jogging suit and has trained him to use a treadmill...they're obviously obsessed, as we all should be, with the welfare of their "baby"! I was reassured by the fact that mom is standing at the ready next to the treadmill, in the photo! :)
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