"I have a very funny YaYa HaHa story for you.Last weekend I dog sat for some friends while they moved. They have a cockapoo named Jigsaw. He's about a year old. So he's playful, but not hyper. YaYa seemed fine with him, but it's not like she was thrilled he was there.
Well, here's the funny part - on Sunday I realized that there were all these bones (nylas) up in my bedroom in an area together, 4 of them, plus "Froggy."

Sidenote: Froggy is in the picture I've attached. I don't know how in the world it came into my life, but a couple weeks ago YaYa came in the room carrying it! It was hysterical.
Froggy was on my lowest level - and the nylas were on the lowest level and the middle level. UNTIL, I found them ALL in my bedroom and realized that YaYa was trying to keep her belongings away from Jigsaw. She carried that frog up 2 flights of stairs!!!! Oh my, I wish I had a hidden camera that could have caught that!!!"
We don't blame YaYa one bit! After 8 or 10 years in a kennel without any personal belongings, churning out Frenchie babies, YaYa deserves some toys that are hers alone. We love the determination it took for her to move her things to the safety of her own room!
Way to claim your space, YaYa! You've earned your premiere spot in that home, and as we royals know, Rank Hath Its Privileges!
The Frog Princess
I loved reading the update on Sweet Yaya! She seems like a real hoot, and so adored in her new home! I think her green frog toy is really her fierce partner-in-crime!
THAT is a cute story!!! Yay for YaYa!
Umm yah you don't have to share your toys if you don't want. Does your human lend out here best stilletos and bags to a visiting rabble rouser? I think not. You guard that precious frog, the young ones might not know how to handle such a treasure, with care. Malaka, all of them!
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