What makes us think everyone who reads this blog is as completely besotted with NC10 puppy mill survivor Smeagol as we are?
What gives us the idea that Smeagol even deserves to get his picture on the blog so often?
In order, the answers are: We are power-mad. Because all sensible people are. That face.
Power mad and proud of it!
The Frog Princess
Absolutely - that face!!
Thanks for a wonderful lift to my day!!!
Ahhhh. A Smeags fix, just when I was starting to jones for it.
Kathi L. & Les Girls
Love him!! Smeags you make my heart pitter patter!!
Only in America! From poor, neglected, & forgotten to multi-national rock stardom in 1 year! What a great country! lol!
A dose of Smeagol is always called for!
A lil' bit of gratuitous Smeagol is always welcome! Thanks, FP.
We all love da Smeags! That big Smeagy head is so loveable! Long live the power of the Frog Princess!
There can be only one! (Highlander)
I feel better every time I hear about him. Worry when I don't. Bring on Smeags!
There can be only one! And Smegol IS the one!
Steff and Dory
We loves that precious Smeagol!
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