This was Lucy Lou just a few weeks ago. Note the way her legs are crossed and the wasting of her back end.

This is what a few weeks with a devoted foster family can do. Legs are no longer crossed, and Lucy Lou has some movement in her back right leg.

Though donations for Lucy Lou's treatments weren't the equal of the very generous outpouring of gifts we received for Anna Belle, Roxanne, and Pixie, we are happy to say that we did receive some sponsorships and well-wishes for Lucy Lou from a number of caring contributors.

Soon, Lucy Lou will be traveling to Texas from Georgia in order to receive some care from a sympathetic veterinary specialist. We are very hopeful that Lucy will see even more progress toward improved mobility. If you'd like to donate toward her continued recovery and travel expenses, either for the first time or again, please visit Lucy Lou's foster page on our website, and don't forget to leave a little message of encouragement and hope for Lucy Lou. She's working very hard to get better.
With gratitude to our kind and loyal supporters,
The Frog Princess
WOW! That is awesome. She looks so much better. Gratitiude to the foster parents who did such a loving job.
Yay for Lucy Lou!
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