"Jack has had a very busy two weekends! First, a trip into Brooklyn to visit my daughters. I put him in the crate for the car ride and he was fantastic...not a peep. While he was definitely sociable toward people he has no leash skills. He was all tuckered out after a few blocks from pulling so hard.

Since then we have been working on our leash skills but it is slow going.
This weekend he went to Massachusetts with my girls to visit my niece. He is an excellent car rider...really enjoyed the trip, although he doesn't like stop and go traffic, and he can get a little fidgety. He got along famously with my niece's two year old golden retriever as well as with her daughters (4 and 1 year old). His only issue with other dogs continues to be that he doesn't share well.
The only other thing we have to work on is learning who is in charge. When he doesn't get his way he turns into a whirling dervish all the while perfecting his Frenchie death howl."
We wonder. Has anyone seen Jersey Jack and The Jersey Devil at the same time? Or could it be reports of that horrid beast are mere exaggerations of our little bald-bottomed friend's screams and appearance? Doesn't matter, really. We know the truth.

No matter how piteously a Frenchie howls, if you offer him a bit of chicken or a piece of apple, he'll probably pipe down. What's more, the garden variety Frenchie, ear-splitting shriek and bizarre appearance notwithstanding, hardly ever gobbles children up or skeebles skyward via the chimbley and flies away.
Almost never! stresses
The Frog Princess
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