our little site.
The first caused us to wince and say a silent thank-you to the gods that we have no need to explore this topic on the 'net: "Hot Tub Staph Infection."
The second search sounded equally distressing for the sufferer. However, for the parent, we feel that this sort of child might be a great deal more fun than the ordinary sort, depending on which half is which: "Half Puppy Half Human."

We will leave you with two photos of Twila, taken while she is enjoying herself in the tub. She is soaking her poor feet, which have some sores on them, but she is very unlikely to develop either of the conditions mentioned above as a consequence of her sitzbath.

Cheers to you! salutes
The Frog Princess
Make mine Lillet!
Let's hope that those who find the FP blog thru some weird search end up as Frenchie converts (and of course, FBRN sponsors) as a result! Sounds like they will be much happier, some of them!
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