Compare the downcast, hopeless expression in those first photos with the alert and normal expression you see in these candid shots! Night and day. Not to mention that the sores are healing up and scabbing over, his coat is clean and he can see now that the seeping bumps around his eyes have been cleaned and treated.

Here's a note from his foster mom, sent on the fly. Among the volunteers there were some remarks that Churchill resembles Smeagol in his transformation from a dog who was clearly despairing, pitiful and depressed to a dog who was feeling guarded optimism and disbelief at his change in circumstance:
"Churchill seems to feel a bit better everyday. His appetite has increased and he is a little spunkier everyday as well.
If you stop touching him he will get your attention with a paw or a whine :)
He is a real doll and yes, he does remind me of Smeagol! I am attaching two pictures that I just took of him while outside on a potty break. Enjoy!"

We will be sure to keep readers posted about any news about Churchill's condition. No matter what the doctors say, Churchill will have a home--either with a volunteer in hospice care, or with an adoptive family--where he will be cherished and cared for as any Frenchie should be.
We promise! vows
The Frog Princess
There are angels and they are the volunteers at FBRN.
We are so happy to see that Chruchill was saved, being loved and comforted.
Frenchie Snorts
Thanks SO much for the update on dear Churchill. His first pictures really broke my heart, and I'm so glad that he's getting the love and care he deserves. What a fantastic organization the FBRN is!
Churchill looks SO much better! And his eyes are lively too! It's as if he can't believe his good fortune. That's so wonderful that FBRN volunteers are caring for this loving creature. And kids/teens too! These rescues and their volunteers are utterly remarkable. I hardly have the strength to look at Churchill's pics on the website, and here are people who are caring for him, tenderly touching his ragged body, and spending probably oodles of time with vets and meds.
FBRN is a true model of compassion--now I must go and make my donation to Churchill's care!
Please please please regular updates on this guy!
I can't look after reading the warning, but could you please post his prognosis? Is he going to be okay?
Oh God, the poor thing. The "after" photos are upsetting enough. I went there to read his story, but I couldn't bring myself to scroll down.
Oh my...
He is looking much improved after six days, so I have great hope for his prospects.
He's a worthy birthday gift for your wonderful volunteer, for sure.
Please send love and kisses to Churchill ! Thank you for taking care of this very special boy.h
Oh, surely with such improvement in only 6 days, this boy has a real chance at a full life ahead of him!!!! Praying toward that end, Roxanne (and Frenchies Patricia, Sisi & CappyJack) in Phx
I am so touched to see Churchill getting a second chance, you guys are really angels. I am looking forward to seeing more updates!
he looks so much better! it's a miracle how just a touch here and there can make a difference. i'm excited that he can finally see clearly that way he'll be able to see who's loving him the way he should be. i already know he'll be improving more every day. ;)
the heart of the volunteer taking on this sweet boy must be one of an angel. i am so grateful for FBRN.godspeed churchill.. you are looking great!
Little Churchill has broken my heart. I'm so happy to see an improvement. I hope you keep us updated on his progress.
I am so impressed with his transformation already. You have wonderful volunteers! I'll keep watching for updates on this little guy. And as one who has been smitten by Smeagol, I too see a resemblence. :)
If he is this much better in only six days, I can't understand how he could be left untreated.
What a miracle that he can respond to treatment and caring so fast!
I didn't used to believe in angels, but here are some on both ends of, the caregivers and the precious Churchill.
Please keep us updated, good or bad, we all want to know.
Please give Churchill an extra pat from me, and tell him there are more people in the world who love him than he even knows...all the folks who have already posted, and others who will follow. It makes me so angry that my husband and I (who are certainly far from perfect) did everything we could to save our Frenchie, who died in May, and these people had a beautiful angel like Churchill and just let him suffer so. He's a precious angel,and so are all the folks with FBRN. Please keep us updated.
Frenchie hugs & kisses to Churchill
In memory of Roxie the Princess
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