Junebug was adopted a few months ago, and from time to time we hear from her adopter. We love to hear from adoptive families. It can be hard to let these dogs go, but knowing that they are so beloved makes it easier for our foster families. Here's a note from Junebug's mom, talking about Junie and her sister Gigi:
"I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that Junebug is doing great. She has had no health issues and has fit into our family perfectly.
Her personality has changed dramatically in the past few months. She is definitely the top dog around here! She never fights with Gigi but just gives her a look that means drop that toy!

She has had a few accidents when someone else has been watching her and we deviate from our routine, but seems to understand that I really don't like for her to do that!
I hope you and your family are doing well and are having a nice summer. We are having a cool spell here and it has been great. Thanks again for picking me to be Junie's new mom."
Seems that Junebug is a girl after our own heart. Iron fist in a velvet glove and one look that can stop another frog in her tracks? Yes, that is the kind of Frenchie born to be a benevolent despot, not unlike
The Frog Princess
What great news about JuneBug. We love hearing about happee endings. Yea to mom on the forever home. We love posting FBRN stuff on our blog and Facebook Fan page
Benny & Lily
We're so happy for JuneBug and her new family! *sniff sniff* Pardon us while we grab a kleenex...
Stella, Gunther and Betty
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