Sadly, we've come to know all too many dogs like Muffin over the years. Fortunately, a wonderful shelter worker was willing to put her into our hands, and Muffin is doing better now, after only two days on medicine and a day at the vet's in an oxygen tent. Here's her foster mom's story:
"Shelterdog Muffin... made it home with me. It is shocking!!!!!!!!
She is tiny, so skinny, has a bad cold, nasty eyes, no front teeth, many C-section

Here are some pictures, I am going to give her a bath. The Shelter said she has not eaten all week but I made her some chicken and green beans and she ate it! More later. The strange thing is: her body looks so old but her eyes look young? I wonder how old she is, my guess is 8 or 9? She looks sick to me! ...I can tell that at one time she must have been a real looker, she is one of the tiniest Frenchies!"

That night, Muffin met her foster dad like he was Santa Claus and spent the whole evening, after a much needed bath, scootched up next to him watching the tv. The next day, Muffin went to see the vet. It was very bad news for a dog already so sick. Very bad heartworm. Her breathing difficulties when Muffin lay down came from the heartworm. She stayed at the vet's overnight. Here's what her foster mom said when she picked her up:
"What a difference a day makes! My Vet had started Muffin on an aggressive heartworm-treatment that I was unaware of. I guess we misunderstood each other?

I have been a wreck over this little dog, it was so scary to watch her struggle for every breath.
Now she is wearing herself out crying and barking to get out of her kennel. This picture I took just now."

Muffin will need plenty of time to feel better, and a whole month in the life of a dog is a very long time! One of our volunteers is knitting her a sweater, while others are sending toys to keep her occupied while she endures the deprivations of The Crate.
We are so happy that this little stray, lost or stolen or dumped after who knows how many litters, is safe and undergoing treatment. We also have a lot of empathy for poor ol' Vinnie, who seems to have missed the boat this time when it comes to friendly foster dogs. We'll keep you posted as we learn more about Muffin, promises
The Frog Princess

Everybody at our house is pulling for Muffin. Hang in there, babydoll, Vinnie will still be there when you get out!
Muffin Lily and I have our paws crossed for your full recovery. I bet Vinnie is pretty nice. Feel better. Thank you foster family
Benny & Lily
We love Muffin and are sending her lots of get well wishes!! She reminds us of our special man, Smeags and we all know how his story turned around.
Lots of loves & kisses to Miss Muffin!
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