Meet one of our newest Frenchies, French Fry. She was taken to a shelter to be euthanized when her owners discovered that she was down in the back. The shelter gave them a phone number for one of our volunteers, the owners then met with a volunteer and French Fry was transported to a different volunteer with lots of experience with paralyzed dogs.
The first vet the owners saw thought Frenchie'd never walk again, and we were fine with that; we thought we'd get her a cart and let her zip around.

Turns out, French Fry's chances of a full recovery are quite good. She had a slipped disk, which was repaired, and she is doing very well. She's in good spirits, is eating well and has recovered from the pretty severe case of dehydration she had upon arrival. Give this girl 4 to 8 weeks of recovery, and we are hoping she'll be as good as new.

If you haven't checked out our website cover this week, we hope you will skitter on over and take a peek. We are all especially proud of it. Our volunteer Julie Farrell did the artwork. If you can spare a dime or a dollar, we could really use the funds. French Fry might be the last spinal-injured dog we'll be able to try to surgically fix until our reserves are replenished. Given the choice, we love to see an injured dog walk again--a cart is a distant second choice for a dog with a good chance of a full recovery.

Keep an eye out for French Fry on the available page. We'll update you as she goes through her recovery process, promises
The Frog Princess
Sat morning update from French Fry's foster mom: "French Fry is doing very well. She was trying to stand last evening and has a little more movement in her left leg. The Dr. says that because of the slipped disk putting the pressure on the right side it will be a little slower in coming back. She is eating well. They are checking her badder and expressing it if need be until she has full control over it again."
Sun morning update:
"Well, the little girl is home and doing very well. She is trying to push herself up in the rear. She seems to be very comfortable and wants to be with her foster brother as bad as he wants to be with her.

We agree with that assessment of that joke, French Fry! It earns a raspberry from you as well as
The Frog Princess
French Fry
Lily and I have our paws crossed for your full recovery. You are adorable!
I love the pomme frites with or without staples. Get well soon!
Oh, French Fry... Hang in there, girl! What a sweet puss on your freckled face! Our frenchie, Enzo, went through the same thing recently but was not as lucky as you. He's in a cart now, but we love him more than ever.
Get well soon, froggie!! Vous pouvez le faire!
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