One of a pair of Frenchies we accepted recently is great with froglettes! Looks like 4 of 'em! Looks like any day now. Maybe even tomorrow. Yikes!
Daizy Mae isn't even on the website yet, but if you'd like to buy her a layette for her puppies, you can do that here. In the comments section of the paypal screen, just tell us it's for the puppies.

Oh, my, what a story there is to tell. Daizy Mae and her littermate Bear were accidentally allowed to consort while Daizy was in season. Her mom had to give them both up and surrendered them to us to a first time foster mom. We didn't know the girl was enciente, and when we found out we had to scramble to find a family with the knowledge and access to a vet who could handle a delivery of pups who'd had no prenatal care until the final two weeks or so of her pregnancy.
A friend of FBRN, not even a volunteer, but a supporter and a friend, came to our rescue by finding someone who could take Daizy through

So our wonderful friend, who is a breeder, and his wonderful friend are doing FBRN a big, BIG favor and caring for Daizy's newly whelped puppies and their mom. Our friend has asked his very experienced reproduction-specialist vet to take care of the puppies, so Daizy will have top-drawer care from a bulldog knowledgeable vet. Here's what we learned today about Daizy Mae's condition:
"The summary of today's visit is:
There still appear to be four puppies and four heartbeats.
Because she saw defined heads and spines on the x-ray taken 7/14, her educated guess was the pups were 7-10 days from birth on 7/14. Yes your math is right, she is due at any moment.
A progesterone test
Daisy did eat and drink today so she also thinks today is not the day.
Daisy has swollen front paws that appear due to allergies and secondary yeast. I've seen much worse. She has a yeast issue in one ear. They will flush at time of surgery. No mites. Again, not terrible.
I found Daisy to be a VERY sweet, happy, and calm girl. She was calmer at the vet than any of my girls ever are. She is going to make someone a wonderful pet when adopted. She appears to love kids, dogs, vets, everything. She wags her tail a lot and tries to get in her foster mom's and her daughter's laps as if she has known them forever. She weighed 24 1/2 pounds today and I would guess her natural weight is around 20.
Further update / pupdate tomorrow late morning / early afternoon unless something changes.
Go Daisy!"
Ooh, Little Daizy Mae! We are all going to be thinking good thoughts for you and

We are as excited as anyone to hear the story of Daizy Mae's delivery, and we will come back and report as soon as we hear anything. That's a promise from
The Frog Princess
PS We are very envious of that delightful bag in the lowermost photo. Perhaps four puppies could fit in there one day?
Friday: Hormone levels haven't risen, and Daizy had some breakfast. Maybe tonight or tomorrow, but not today!
Saturday update: Hormone levels are holding steady! Probably not going to be today.
What a beautiful new mommy-to-be!!
Thank goodness there were frenchie friends to swoop in and take care of her and the new puppies. :)
Wow it looks like the babies are going to be on their way any second. We are wishing you well.
Lily & Benny
Any babies yet???
Thanks for yet another earworm - delivered by the Frog Princess!
Thanks so much to our friends of friends of FBRN! You are kind-hearted and simply amazing.
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