Not to be outdone by fans of Smeagol, Roma's fans insist on gratuitous photos of the baby when she was still small. Here she is having her very first bath. Remember when she was this tiny? She's all grown up now and living happily ever after with her family.
Rubber Ducky, you're the one
You make bathtime lots of fun!
Rubber Ducky, joy of joys!

Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true!
Every day when I
make my way to the tubby

There's a fellow who's
Cute and yellow and
(rub a dub dubby!)

Rubber ducky, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine!
Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you!

There you have it! Gratuitous Roma and as an added bonus, an earworm for your weekend pleasure. Courtesy of
The Frog Princess
Ouch, the cuteness! With fantastical song...too much.
I love it!!
The cuteness has turned my brain to mush. Now I won't be able to get anything done today.
I loves me some of the Baby Roma! She is a cutie-patootie, and a clean one too, no doubt about that!
("Rubber Ducky, you're the one...")
Oh BABY Roma!
You are such a fab FBRN success story. I remember waiting anxiously and saying tons of prayers that you would have the chance to grow up to be a big girl.
Seeing your baby pictures again has brought a huge smile.
So glad to see my baby isn't the only one that eats the bubbles!
Also see Roma whose image is gracing the page of the FBRN calendar as MISS JULY!! You can still buy copies, and all proceeds help the needy Frenchie fosters at FBRN. Go to the shopping link on our website, or type www.cafepress.com/fbrn
YAY Roma and Frog Princess!! What a perfect pair.
Thanks for sharing those, FP!
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