"This little lady arrived on our doorsteps on February 13, 2009. She was found in a shelter in St. Bernard Parish (outside of New Orleans). Full of heartworms and with a very obvious problem walking, she was set to be put up for adoption. Luckily, FBRN was able to scoop her up. Her name was Ophelia which seemed too tragic, so she was rechristened as Thalia in honor of the Muse of Comedy - however, after gazing on her precious face with her pink cheeks and ears, she was very quickly given the nickname Pinkie which suits her to a T.

Little Pinkie (weighing in at a very thin 18 pounds) was quickly rushed to the vet where she had x-rays taken to determine the cause of her unusual walk. It was then that we discovered an old injury to her spine. I had been told that she may have been bitten by another dog when she was a puppy. This could be possible - she could also have been hit by a car, or a million other things that are in her past now. It was determined that while an orthopedist or neurologist may be able to help, the best course of action for her was physical therapy. But first we had to tackle the heartworms.
Again, because she is so thin and her heartworm disease was pretty advanced, we decided to go with a slow-kill method which involves giving her Heartguard in small doses over several months building her up to be able to take her regular monthly dose. In order to get her ready, she was placed on multiple vitamins and supplements to strengthen her heart and her body.

We have also started her in physical therapy. Her first visit was last week - she had range of motion and muscle measurements taken, she got some massage, and finally she got to walk on the underwater treadmill. She exercised for a full 12 minutes. We are hoping that this week she will go for 14. While this will not cure her injury, our hope is that it will help her build muscle and improve her coordination. Thalia/Pinkie also receives daily massages at home on her shoulders and neck and has her back legs and joints exercised.

Here is the best thing about Thalia/Pinkie - she just wants to be a good girl. She wants to be close to you, wants to know where you are and what you are doing.

Right now, Thalia/Pinkie is keeping it real in New Orleans where she enjoys walks along the bayou, sniffing around the French Quarter and sharing an oyster po-boy with her foster dad. Pinkie also likes chewing on nylabones, watching basketball, and sleeping in the big bed.

A fiesty little Cajun she is! Keep it up, chere! Keep those streets clear of those floppy eared, long tailed menaces, eggs on
The Frog Princess
Thank you so much for commenting on my post! I'm glad that you did because I am going to follow your blog. The French bulldog was not microchipped, so she has a new home with us. She has an appt next week to be checked out by our vet. We introduced her to our Chihuahuas today and everything has gone very well. She (I think we are going to name her Daisy) is very docile. And like your Pinkie, she just wants to be held, her belly rubbed, to sleep in the comfy bed with us. Her skin is a little red and she has some places that look irritated...I'm not sure if that is from being out in the sun and heat yesterday. Last night I bathed her in Relief shampoo, and I have been using Relief spray on her today. I am hoping she doesn't have a skin allergy but the vet will be able to tell me that next week.
It is so nice to meet you and thanks again to commenting on my post!
Them's some very fancy big ears, she looks like a Frenchie but exaggerated! What a great story.
Keep up the good work, all of you.
Pinkie, you are beyond adorable! Keep getting stronger little girl, we're rooting for you.
She is darling!! What a great story! God love you for taking her in and caring for her the way you have! My 5 year old daughter wants her to come her and live us and our frenchie- T-Bone. Would love to have her. Keep up the love and great work. Send her a hug from Illinois! We will follow your story!
- Shanna
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