Her foster family reports that Madame, aka Maddy, learned all about how lovely grass feels in a backyard, and how easy it is to boss around a couple of good-natured Boxers. Here are some photos that captured some moments of Madame's trip to the country, including her first meeting with her temporary foster sibling, Emily.

We think Maddy might make an excellent spokesdoggy for the NYC public transportation system! If you know anyone who can pull some strings and make that happen,

The Frog Princess
"Meet my new friend Emily. We're already having lots of fun!"
PS Here's the origin of "Madame Will You Walk?" for the person who asked.
Madame has such a beautiful face. Love the Trollope reference (is it Trollope?). I check this blog every day and so enjoy it! Thank you for this service and for the site in general. If I can make a request: any update on Jubal?
Emily looks so happy.... What a fun playdate, eh?
Country frog, city frog. How cute! I'm sure Maddy has been having a great time.
Madame, you can take my (soon to be) $2.50, and then $3(!!) fare to ride the A train! Heck, if you were my cab driver I'd tip ya ten bucks!!
What a cutie!
Thank you Scott & Kim for reading my email about the Grand Dame, Madame! She looks like she's happy at home compared to the shelter where I found her.
Give her a big hug and frenchie kisses from us!
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