Brulee has a wish for Christmas.
Well, two, actually. The first wish is that he and Truffle can find a happy forever home together.
The second has to do with these little foster kitties his foster mom brought home recently. We aren't sure what he wants to do with them, only that he wants one. Dare we ask for what?

You're right.
Probably it's better not to ask, murmurs
The Frog Princess
I think these furbabies would be so happy with us! I think I need to discuss the possible application with my family. This pair needs to be together.
Brulee you handsome frog you, I hope you and your sister Truffle find a happy forever home together! Your foster family is very wonderful to take care of you for so long, I remember when you came into FBRN--seems like a while ago!
But no for your second wish! Santa will not put a kitten in your stocking, no way!
Frenchie kisses to you and the kitties (no you don't give the kitties your Frenchie kiss! I am sending Frenchie kisses through the computer!)
Little Brulee it is my wish too that you and Truffle find your forever home - - -SOON. You have been a very patient boy and you deserve a home all your own.
And, if you are a really good boy and nice to the kittens maybe your forever home will get one for you!
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