We got a lovely note from one of our volunteers last month. Her mom fell in love with our volunteer's French bulldogs and applied for M'ack. He's been with her about a year.

"It's coming up on one year since my mom adopted FBRN's M'ack. Max was surrendered by the only family he hadknown for his 8 years of life - an elderly couple - when the wife became ill. I think he feels very comfortable living with older folks like my mom and her husband.

My mother's health and happiness has improved dramatically as she walks him daily and dotes on him constantly. Max's health has also improved, he seems so much younger than 8, especially since having a couple of bad teeth removed. He is a very well bred frenchie, and it shows in his grace and presence.
I wanted to share a few photos from my Thanksgiving visit with Max and my mom. You can see Tucker and Meika in a couple of the shots, and the last photo is Max pouting when he didn't feel

Turkey hoarding! We've heard of far worse and naughtier responses to the practice of skimping on a dog's holiday share of the goodies! We are sympathetic to poor M'ack's heartache and disappointment.
Shocking selfishness! pronounces
The Frog Princess
It's not too late! Somebody get that dog a piece of pumpkin pie before he calls the ASPCA hotline!
M'ack has captured the true essence of the French Beulldog in that last picture!
Now M'ack, what about turning that poutin' into some good-ole beggin', which always works with my furkidz!!
Great to see pics of Meika and Tucker too!
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