Which of these beasts is heaviest?
Ha! Trick question!
They both weigh 50 pounds.
Floyd the frog is on a slimming regimen.
Of course, the poodle need not watch the treats intake or take a longer walk. The poodle is perfect. All poodles always think they are perfect.
A sentiment we likewise hold about
The Frog Princess
PS Since the above photo was taken, Floyd has trimmed 5 pounds off his frame and can now show off a waistline not heretofore perceived.
In this photo, you can see it, too.

The Frog Princess
Poor Floyd! Dieting around the holidays is not fun! Wishing you a reasonable ration of tasty treats and a very merry Christmas!
He does look a little peeved. Our Stella has a bit of waistline problem too. She hasn't been happy about her diet either.
Gunther, Stella & Betty
I would have guessed that one wrong!! :)
BOL...BOL...you little piggy! I though I weighed a bit much at 30 pounds..you guys are to cute!
Benny & Lily
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