Some of the volunteers at FBRN participate in Secret Santa. They'll ask to be given the name of a foster dog and then send the dog a bundle of little gifts. It's a great way for our volunteers to connect with each other and the foster dogs.
This is Ralphie. His foster mom has put him on the list, but she made the mistake of telling him that pretty soon he is going to get a present.
The result?
Americans aren't the only ones who like their gratification on the hot side of immediately.
You'll notice that Ralphie is wearing what looks like a bag around his bottom half. It resembles a bag because that's what it is--it allows him to scoot around the floor without much friction. Ralphie is paralyzed and he is undergoing some really interesting hydrotherapy that has really made a difference.
We got an update on Ralphie a couple of weeks ago. Here's what his foster mom said:
"Ralphie has been here just about one month today. He continues to make slow improvements via his underwater therapy, he can hold a standing position now for about 25 seconds, vs. about 10 seconds when he came, and he can bear substantially more weight now on his left leg. He now eats standing up, with just me holding my hands on either side of his back end so he doesn't sway one way or the other. E-stim continues to build his leg muscles, and the therapist calls his progress average to good....he enjoys swimming in the therapy tank to catch tennis balls. And of course, he is totally motivated by food!! Like most Frenchies, in my experience...

I am attaching two photos, one of him chillin' in one of his newish scootie sacks, in denim...provided by GB and his wonderful wife. His cuteness really shines through in this picture. The other is him, again in the denim sack, sitting near the door in one of his favorite sunning spots...with my dogs Bea, the brindle girl, and Hammy, the stoopid faced, lolly-tongued cream male.
Ralphie has recently started giving me kisses with total abandon...I like it. I feel like our trust is really building and he considers me not only the person who provides his food...but his friend."
Here's a video of Ralphie in the therapy box: this is just his very first day. Since then, the physical therapists have really seen improvement in his muscle tone. Here is a video of

And finally, a couple of photos of Ralphie on a playdate with FBRN grad and paralyzed cartracer, Twila!
Yesterday we told you about a foster family that was taking on the challenges of working with a dog with behavior issues. Today, you are meeting a foster family who is willing to put in time and effort to help a young frog recover whatever mobility he can. These foster homes are remarkable, each in their own way, for being willing to do what many people can't or won't. Though all foster families have strengths and

The Frog Princess
As always, this is one of many heartwarming stories. I can't let myself imagine what would happen to a dog like Ralphie if it weren't for the volunteers at FBRN.
We love you foster pawrents
Benny & Lily
YAY RALPHIE!!! poutsville indeed. :)
hope you get all you want for christmas and more.
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