If you enjoy time spent at your local Frenchie meet up and one of you is related to, knows, or has big-time dirt on a local photographer, next year you can support rescue while getting some fabu photos for your family and friends!

FBRN volunteer Emily with her dog Carat
How is it done, you may ask? Well. It's easier than you might think.

How it worked in Portland:
Meetup members (and anyone else interested) RSVP’d for the event through their regular meetup site. At the appointed day and time, frogs and their families united for a fun romp in the fenced backyard while individual photo shoots took place in the living room of the host's home. Everybody who participated in the shoot made a donation to FBRN.

FBRN foster parents celebrate the season with FBRN foster Dakota and FBRN grad Fergus
A huge thanks goes out to our host family and to David Childs Photography and Karin Cerenghino who so graciously offered up their Sunday afternoon for the cause. Pacific North Westerners are encouraged to visit David’s website to see more of his fantastic work. The holiday photos are great, so just imagine what a dedicated one on one session would produce!
Here’s Big Red, one of the pitbulls rescued in the huge Missouri dog fighting bust you’ve been reading about recently. Big Red and seven other pitbulls from the bust are being fostered through Family Dogs New Life shelter in Portland. For more information, check out their blog. Big Red participated in the photo shoot and was a good natured lunk thoughout the festivities.

It warms the cockles of the Frog Princess’ old heart to know there are such kind, caring and passionate rescuers roaming the land in search of underdogs of every shape and size. God bless them, every one!
If you belong to a Frenchie meetup group, why not put out some feelers and see if next year a similar fundraiser could work in your area? If only ten per cent of the nation's meetup groups held a similar fundraiser, FBRN would be facing the new year's influx of needy frogs with more confidence, less anxiety, and heavier pockets than in years past.
Many thanks again to David Childs and all the members of the Portland Frenchie meetup group! What a great idea! And what perfect follow-through, admires
The Frog Princess
THANK YOU PORTLAND! love, a foster dog
What a great idea..Yea Portland
Benny & Lily
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