You can count on me!

Please have snow

and presents on the tree!
Christmas Eve will find me

Where the lovelight beams.

I'll be home for Christmas

If only in my dreams.
Meanwhile, Gui, Zoe, and Ladoo continue to wait on the Island of Unwanted Frogs, well-loved and cared-for by their foster families, but waiting, waiting, waiting.

Maybe next year our long-timers Ladoo, Gui, and Zoe--maybe even Truffle and Brulee-- will find themselves in loving forever families, as well.
It's a Christmas wish for all our fosters from
The Frog Princess
Beautifully done, Frog Princess!
We almost were teary reading this...happy happy day for all you guys! Merry Christmas
Benny & Lily
So very sweet. Wonderful and teary to read. Thank you, FP.
They are all so precious but none more than Zoe. Who could resist that beautiful face?! I was thrilled to see that she has a pending banner! Yippee!!!
Thank you frog princess! brilliant as usual. Oh Ladoooo, you as so handsome. I wish you had love for the kitties, but I know you have one of the best foster dad's ever!
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