Please keep a good thought for Little Lizzie. She's about ten years old, and appears to have been rode hard and put away wet.
Her foster mom sent these photos and captions. It is very hard to be forced to dress up. Poor Lizzie! We Frenchies are subject to such indignities.

In addition to suffering the torment of playing dress-up, Lizzie is in the beginning stages of kidney failure. We are seeking out alternative approaches to bolstering her kidneys as well as allopathic therapies.
Little Lizzy was found as a stray and a Good Samaritan vet took her in and fixed a whole host of problems!
"I don't wanna be a jiraff"
Here is the introduction we received from Lizzy's foster mom:
"She was found in San Diego as a stray in deplorable condition, and was eventually turned over to a wonderful veterinarian who fixed Lizzie up and then surrendered her to FBRN.

Lizzie was suffering from pyometra, mange, tooth abscess and rotten teeth, tumors on her back, skin, eye, and ear infections, and an old ear hematoma which left her ear crumpled, and various scars on her legs.
"I don't wanna be a firedog, neither!"
The vet spayed her, removed the tumors (biopsy was benign) on her back, removed the abscessed and rotten teeth and cleaned the few savable ones, and treated her for the various infections.

Little Lizzie's BUN and creatinine are running a bit high, so she is on KD food, must be given sub-q fluids every couple of days, and must be monitored with continued blood tests. Her shoulder set looks odd to me.
"I don't wanna wear dat banbana."
Lizzie is about 10 years old. She is very sweet and tiny. She is a little grumbly to my dogs, but does not snap or bite. We will work on pottytraining and using the doggy door, and fattening her up a bit."
Yesterday, Little Lizzie's foster mom had more news:
"I have joined a Dog Kidney Failure yahoo group, so I can start researching and learning about this disease. I must admit, I've grown so close to Lizzie, and I was teary-eyed with a lump in my throat when my vet told me she has kidney failure. I was hoping her kidneys were just out of whack due to the pyometra infection, and would return to normal.
Lizzie is still a happy dog. She never had the shyness and uncertainty like all my past foster dogs. She approaches everything matter-of-fact. Everyone adores her where
ever I take her, despite the fact that she's no beauty queen. [Hey! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Lookit that twinkle in her eye!--FP]

"Dis one is not so bad!"
She eats well, and uses the doggy door, but isn't really pottytrained when it comes to peeing. We're working on it! I wonder if part of it is due to her history, her age, and her disease. My neighbors must think I'm nuts because every hour I'm home they must hear, "Go potty Lizzie" "Go potty Lizzie" and "Gooood Girlllll" over and over.

She would make someone a wonderful companion, but I doubt that anyone wants to take a chance on an old, chronically ill dog who could take a turn for the worse at any time.
"I just wanna take a nap, pwease."
I have noticed that people do adopt paralyzed dogs, but she is so much easier to care for. She is welcome to stay with me as long as she needs to. (I love her already.)"
It is possible that Little Lizzie will receive no applications. But knowing our friends and supporters, we think she'll find her own family regardless of her medical condition. And have no fear, if she does not receive many applications, a foster family, perhaps her current foster mom, will come forward to provide her with hospice care for the remainder of her life. If you'd like to sponsor Little Lizzie and continue the generous support her Good Samaritan vet started, visit her foster page and click on her photo to donate.
We promise, Lizzie! No more dress up until Hallowe'en!
The Frog Princess
Poor Lizzie! Her expression in the giraffe photo is priceless! Hoping & praying for her health and that she finds a loving home for her very own!
This poor girl! I'd love to help with her medical expenses, but I fail to see her picture and bio on the foster page.
Little Lizzie's foster page will appear on the site with the next update on Tuesday or Wednesday! Come back then and meet ALL our new fosters!
I am beyond thrilled to see Lizzie's gorgeous face on these pages!! A little while ago I tried to adopt her from a rescue group in the Bay Area and they informed me that she had gone to live with a vet. Although I was happy she was with a vet, I am thouroughly relieved that she is in your capable hands now. Much love to Lizzie, and to all of you for taking care of her.
I found an approximately 10 year old dog that my vet guessed would only live another 2-4 weeks even with vet care; however we had over 7 wonderful years together before she crossed the rainbow bridge. If Lizzie could handle the stress of moving to a new home, it would be wonderful to be able to apply for her. Everyone should know that she could still have lots of wonderful years ahead of her!
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