Lainey is a seasoned traveler, and we have confidence that she'll be welcome wherever she goes.
We received a note from Lainey's foster mom recently. We are still working on finding the optimum diet for this poor girl, who has a problem with her bottom. Here's the note:
"Isn't she the most adorable thing ever!? I have been trying to get her finicky little tummy settled down and I think we are on our way finally! So here's the scoop. Lainey is a lovely little dog. Her housetraining isn't perfect, but it's pretty close. She has absolutely no aggression issues that I have seen, she is walking well on her new Lupine harness, courtesy of [a volunteer] here in Toronto, she lives to be loved, likes to be as close to you as possible and has almost stopped cowering. She is even dancing over to strange men and giving them her signature wiggle!
She is eating RAW diet called Natures Variety, and has pumpkin in every meal, and bones when she is in her crate. I have learned that she CANNOT have anything else otherwise she gets the runs. Maybe when her system is totally regular in a few months she can have more, but right now I am being pretty strict with her. I took her to my vet and they talked to a couple of specialists who both agreed that her leaky bottom is permanent. But I have found that with the RAW she only really needs a wipe after she poops--no big deal! I am hoping to get her on the available page ASAP!!
She says Hi to all her fans out there!"

After an afternoon running the rigging, poor Lainie is pooped out! We hope she is dreaming sweet dreams of a family of her own, whether they live inland or by sea.
There's nothing as restful as napping to the swash-swash sound of the surf on the sand, sighs
The Frog Princess
lol all bully lovers and owners know.. these babies have to have their bottoms cleaned. so she is just a normal girl! what a love! glad she is doing so well there..
I think we should all have someone wipe our bottoms for us, I mean were french Bulldogs and we SHOULD BE SPOILED! hee hee
Frenchie SNorts
Oh captin my captin... what a cutie.
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