The Frog Princess
8:45 EST
Smeagol is free!
Poor Smeagol had many horrifying procedures performed upon his unconscious corpus and is now at home eating Brie cheese and moaning about his missing teefs. He has 8 remaining, poor boy, but his doctor did a wonderful job and he will be up and about and feeling better tomorrow morning, we are pretty sure.
More brie for Smeags! commands
The Frog Princess
Oh poor baby. The dentist...we will keep our paws crossed for you
Benny & Lily
Good Luck Smeagol!
Love your Frenchie fans in ND WRigley and Ivy
Poor, sweet baby!! I have a dental appointment on Tuesday! I hope I don't lose any teeth!!!
Bless his ol' heart...LITERALLY!
Hope things went well for Smeagol! Hope he was able to hang onto that tooth! Mom's a dentist and says root canals are a piece of cake :) Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Brutus the Frenchie
You're an FBRN legend, Smeags! We love you so much!!!
You're such a brave dear, Smeagol! I myself am afraid of the dentist. *shudders* I hope your "teefs" feel better soon. <3
What a great guy, teeth or not. Many wishes for more cheese coming your way.
Smeagie- we love you with or without teeth! Heal well. You deserve whatever your heart desires!!
Love Holly and Lillie- swooning in Colorado
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