This week, we heard from a Louisville group of Frenchie and Pug lovers who have been getting together for a while now, and someone had the exceptionally bright idea of making one of their meetups into a fundraiser for FBRN! Being as generous and intelligent as they are good-looking and fun-loving, the members decided to do it up right, and featured a silent auction, a costume contest, a margarita contest and plenty of games and good times. At their fundraiser, they raised $356 for FBRN!
Costume winner Bubbie as a taco with a tostado hat.
Here is organizer Stephen Miller's note:
"Our club is called the Frug Club, we are a group of people from the Louisville area who own Frenchies and Pugs. We get together regularly to have fun and socialize. Our latest fund raiser was called the Frugaritaville Fiesta, dog costume contest, margarita contest and silent auction."
Frug club attendee Banjo with naked friends. It was, apparently, that kind of party.
"Our winning costume and dog was Bubbie dressed up as a taco with a tostada hat. See the attached picture. I have also attached a group photo and another pic of Banjo dressed up in Mexican wear.
Margarita prize-winner Andy Coates
FBRN is so fortunate to have supporters and friends who know how to combine a good time with a good cause. Thank you to our friends in Louisville! We will use your donations wisely! promises
The Frog Princess
Frug club attendee Banjo with naked friends. It was, apparently, that kind of party.
"Our winning costume and dog was Bubbie dressed up as a taco with a tostada hat. See the attached picture. I have also attached a group photo and another pic of Banjo dressed up in Mexican wear.
The party was a real blast. We had some really nice items in the silent auction, gift certificates for dog grooming, dog books,a dog bed, plants, household good and even a few antique items.
We plan on doing this 4 times a year, trading off on donating the proceeds to the FBRN and the local Pug rescue.
If anyone in the Louisville area is interested in joining us they can contact me Stephen Miller at"

Margarita prize-winner Andy Coates
FBRN is so fortunate to have supporters and friends who know how to combine a good time with a good cause. Thank you to our friends in Louisville! We will use your donations wisely! promises
The Frog Princess
What a fantastic idea. Lets see what we could do...hhhhmmmmmm...
Benny & Lily
Those lovely photos brought back horrid memories for my Sophie of the time she was forced to wear a plastic fruit hat as Carmen Mirandog.
Great fundraising idea, Louisvillians!
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