"Hello all - I know I am a bit overdue with an update on Chelsea, but the good news is that she's been doing great! She had a few setbacks with her skin/allergies, but now the itchies are basically under control and her fur is growing in nice and shiny. She's even starting to get a little fur on her bald monkey face! Chelsea has also turned into a nonstop playing machine - I guess all the energy she put into scratching is now coming out in a much more positive way. I think my adult Frenchies are getting a little tired, as she goes, goes, goes. She's turned into the little sister that won't stop leaving you alone until you play with her!

Chelsea is pretty much housebroken, as long as she has access to the outdoors.

Chelsea is being spayed tomorrow (please keep her in your thoughts!) and as long as she recovers well and her itchies are minimized, she will probably be going on the Available page soon. Here are a few pictures - her tongue is definitely her signature mark and unbearably cute!"
That sweater and the tongue together are, indeed, killer, affirms
The Frog Princess
PS Everyone, please keep a good thought for Chelsea as she undergoes her spay surgery!
PSS Chelsea's foster mom pointed out that where sponsors' names should be, there is a big white space. How is this possible?
PSSS Chelsea has come out of her spay just fine and dandy!
1 comment:
Chelsea you are adorable. You are in our thoughts for a full recovery
Benny & Lily
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