He's too skinny and sickly! they said. He's too nervous! they judged. He's just not right for our family! they decided.

Not so fast! we said. He just needs a little good food! we cried. We know people who would love to adopt him! we shouted.
And even though he was very thin, and he was seeping blood from his neuter incision, and he had a suspicious lump on his jaw, and a patchy coat, and even though he was very, very shy, he came to live in a foster home with an experienced foster family who let him hide for a little while and come to his senses in a quiet, ordered home. They fed

We can't wait to see what kind of frog lies beneath the quivering, sad and unwell pup we first met. The first chapter of his book is over. A new adventure is waiting just down beyond the river's bend.
The Frog Princess
PS The lump on his neck is being treated with antibiotics. Looks better already!
Poor boy. You have had some bad experiences. How can anyone ever make it up to you? My heart thinks you must be a really great fellow to have hung on. with such adversities. Now all that will be in the past, and you will be treated and pampered and loved and maybe someone will sing sweet songs to you. xxx
Huckleberry Finn is a sweet and dark as a wild huckleberry. All he needs is a little ripening up and he's be all set to take on the world! Thank you to his foster people and rescuers.
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