Cheerio's mom wrote us an update about one of the very cutest boys in school:
"Hi all. Mr. Cheerio could well be called Mr. Cheery. He is always happy and ready for a tug of war with a stuffy. I have a long hallway/straightaway between the kitchen and living room and all three frenchies sharing one stuffed animal run back and forth between rooms holding onto a toy. Cheerio's favorite is a stuffed snowman. He also likes the monster chicken. Today I got everybody a fleecy sheep that says "baaaaaaaaaaaaa" when you bite it.

Meanwhile, I have been working on getting this young man on a schedule. He is doing much better in his crate at night. He eats two good sized meals a day and eats his antibiotic if it is wrapped in Cabot cheddar. He plays well with Sparky and Grommet and walks pretty well on the leash. I have him on a double lead with Sparky because I walk all three frenchies together. He likes to meet neighbors and all the other dogs in the neighborhood. He seems very attracted to other dogs. He often wants to follow them instead of me.
Cheery is also doing great with training. He now scratches at his crate in the morning to go out. Not a single crate accident in two weeks! He plays like a champ with one bad habit. He grabs the other frenchies by their collars and tows them across the floor. He also does the same thing to my plants on the patio. Not bad. He can run up and down the stairs. He ignores the cats (once slapped twice shy), and is insanely fond of toys of all kinds. If there is no toy present, he makes one. I heard some banging the other day and found him playing with the broom."
The first week in October, Cheerio had knee surgery to fix an ugly luxating patella. A week later his foster mom posted this:

"As promised, though somewhat later than optimal, I am posting Cheerio photos. Warning: Content may produce pity, desire to hug said frenchie tot, and hopefully, a loosening of purse-strings to help this poor poor convalescent pay for his recent knee surgery and neuter. Imagine having to spend 8 weeks on crate rest without a romp, a game of bitey face, or a couple of leaps onto the kitchen table to gobble Stoeffer's Mac n cheese? Please, oh please, won't you send good wishes his way. He is one bored puppy!
Cheery goes back to Dr. McNamara next Wednesday for his post-surgical check. I am impressed with his recovery so far. His leg is not hot anymore. He is starting to put weight on it. His overall energy level is off the wall. He is so happy in his crate with his ball and plastic chewy. I had him out today on the patio in the sun and he was partway in my lap. I just massaged his shoulders and talked to him about what a great life he is going to have with his new family soon. Someone is going to get a very sweet and special little dog. He is beautiful too. What a gorgeous coat and excellent sweet heart."

We were shocked and surprised to see that a puppy as cute as Cheerio has but one sponsor on his foster page. If you have a thing for the pretty red pieds or your heart goes out to a puppy with another 4 whole weeks of crate rest, maybe you could drop a couple of coins in his bowl
The Frog Princess
1 comment:
Cheerio...What a face! And a handsom froggie you are, even with the E collar on your neck. Keep remembering that this is not forever, and one day you will be able to run and play with no pain at all. Then a magical space in time and you will find that there is a family forever yours! xxx
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