We were simply delighted to learn that two of FBRN's Jr. Volunteers and their mom spent most of a recent Sunday raising funds and educating the public about FBRN. This wonderful family did a great job of showing the way to creatively and effectively put local opportunities for fund-raising to good use! Here's the note we received from guest bloggers and Junior volunteers Nina and Henry:
"Hiya! My name is Nina. I am 10 and I am a French Bulldog Rescue Network Junior Volunteer. My brother Henry, 12, and I sold newspapers outside a Wal-Mart on a Sunday to raise money for the French Bulldog Rescue Network. It was a hard day, but it was
At 7:45 in the morning, we (my mom, dad, brother, and I) had to go stuff 345 papers at the newspaper’s headquarters. When we were finally done, we loaded them into the truck we had borrowed from my grandfather, and drove to the Wal-Mart we were selling them at. When we got there, even before we officially started selling them, people who had their dollars ready and wanted to buy a paper, mobbed us.
We worked from 9 to 1, and finished the day making $ 143.05. It felt very good to help the Frenchies. Though it will be hard, I believe that most French Bulldogs can get a home if we all give a little. I hope our experience inspired some people. It was easy, and very fun!"

"Hi. Now it’s Nina’s bro Henry’s turn in the spotlight. I thought that selling papers for the Frenchies was fun. It was hard to believe we started out with ten carts of newspapers but ended up finishing with one. All the money we raised was for those cute homeless French bulldogs-- I mean, how could people not adopt those dogs?
I learned that a Wal-Mart parking lot has its share of just plain weird things, like a guy almost running over my sister and a lady hitting a pole. And numerous people parked in the non-parking zone. Some people gave us money just because of how cute the Frenchies looked in their pictures. Plus we got a new volunteer, and we can always welcome a new one to the family, right?
I am really glad I am a Junior Volunteer because I always want to help those cute dogs. Henry out."

Thanks to everyone who participated in this fundraising event! We love our Junior Volunteers! Can you see that the sign Nina's holding has all the photos of our current fosters on it? These kids are bringing new hope for the future to
The Frog Princess
Nina and Henry, you're simply incredible volunteers.... You're making a difference in the world and I think it's fantastic!
Well done Nina and Henry (Mom and Dad, too.) This is a family who holds a special place in our hearts as they fostered our beautiful Herman. Herman, Rosie and the whole Sea Bright gang say a big thank you to these great junior volunteers.
Well done, kids!! You are learning how to make a difference in your world, and that will benefit the dogs now and in the future as you expand your efforts! I'm sure the dogs thank you! Great experience for you, & God bless your willing hearts!
Thank you so much for your hard work and creativity, Nina and Henry and parents and grandpa! My foster Madame sends licks and snorts to you all! Thanks for donating your Sunday and we love the posters you made!!!
Here's to the FBRN Junior Volunteers!!
Rebecca and FBRN Foster Madame, AKA Maddy
You guys are the best! You gave up your Sunday, worked your tails off and helped a whole lot of dogs get a little closer to their forever home!
Love the sign!! That's awesome!!!!
Haricot and Andre send Frenchie kisses and ear nibbles!
Great job kids!!
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