Gia turned a year old on Christmas Day! Here is her pretty cake, and a note from her foster mom:
"I'm happy to report that Gia has an excellent birthday, with lots of hugs and kisses. With 3 young children around, she is never short on love.
Gia's birthday cake is the "Pleasing Peanut Cake" from Just Dogs Gourmet (the World's

Tastiest Gourmet Dog Treats, so they say). They did the writing and pawprint on it as well (not very inspired, but I guess it doesn't have to extravagant when it's going to be gobbled up in an instant!) This particular dog bakery has 2 shops nearby, in Durham and Raleigh, NC. They also sell delectable cookies and muffins. Although I didn't give the cake a taste test, it looked very delicious -- I could see carrots -- and is apparently 100% healthy. I have 7 dogs here, 3 of my own and 4 fosters, and they are of varying degrees of food pickiness, and all 7 gobbled it down -- I was shocked. The first thing I've found that all 7 dogs agree on!"

And Remi, brother to FBRN grad Rudi, and foster brother to our foster Jac, also had a party!

The whole fam damily was there! The people enjoyed a gorgeous cake, while the boys all got delicious frozen yoghund treats.

And if that weren't enough to celebrate, The Frog Princess would like to announce

that this morning marks this blog's 200,000th hit! Don't believe it? Check out the counter at the bottom of the page!
400 posts and counting! boasts
The Frog Princess
Happy Birthday to all the precious little frogs!
And a very special Congrats to the one and only Frog Princess! 200,000 is quite the milestone. Wishing you 200,000 more.
CONGRATS FROG PRINCESS! We're looking forward to many more words of wisdom from your Highness!
Rebecca, Sir Humphries, and Bella
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