Of course, it can be daunting to know that one's application is one of so many, but we

Here's a photo of Carmen, who once lived a life of constant stress and discomfort in abysmal conditions with hundreds of other dogs. She now wears a hand-knit sweater in colors chosen to complement her coloring and lounges on the living room furniture. Her foster mom sent this note with the photo:
"Little Miss Carmen is now on the available page and we have been told that her applications are just burning up the Internet. She seems to be quite the popular girl. The weather here has been snowy and cold for the last few days and Carmen is modeling one of her sweaters. Problem is,she loves wearing it inside but prefers not to step out into the cold , wet snow. She likes living the life of luxury...and who am I to question such a special girl?"
We would love to know what Carmen is thinking of all this. She must feel like Charlie Bucket finding the Golden Ticket every day! imagines
The Frog Princess
Carmen looks so sweet! Please, please make some of these sweaters available in the FBRN shopping mall!!! Frog Princess,surely yo can use your powers to make this happen!
Just look at that little lady in her pretty sweater. A long way from the puppy mill don't cha think?
What a beautiful angel frog! We applied for this sweet girl and all of my extended family and four legged friends alike are keeping our fingers and paws crossed... I am just so glad she will be going to a happy forever home even if we are not the lucky chosen family... lots of love and hugs to Carmen-
Kate and Chris
Looking forward to her update of finding her forever home. (With all those apps, she's sure to find them quickly!)
What a sweetie. I'm sure she'll find a perfect forever home. I just hope those families who aren't chosen to adopt her will consider giving a home to one of the other frogs on the adoption page. I'm rooting for homes for Queenie, Twila and Poptart, not to mention Truffles and Brulee.
Carmen looks so adorable in her little sweater. It broke our hearts to read about the horrible conditions she was exposed to in the puppy mill. We, too, would love to adopt this little bundle of joy. However, if we are not the chosen ones to be Carmen's forever family, we know she will still be placed in a home filled with love and happiness, which is what truly matters! Our hearts go out to little Carmen and all the other frenchies in need of good homes.
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