"Wasabi is a sweetie that just loves everyone and everything, he is an extremely easy foster that just seamlessly fits into the groove of things around here. That is other than he does a lot of odd little quirky things! Those things do not bother us, but we definitely need to pinpoint what is going on so that we are able to correct it and get him placed!

He has been in foster care for a couple of months now and we are really no further than we were when he came in. For those of you who do not remember, Wasabi was surrendered due to the fact the owner did not have the monetary means to take care of him and her vet thought that he had diabetes insipidus.
I will tell you what is strange about him and what we have done:
He urinates on average once every 30 minutes or so, has 4-5 bowel movements a day, drinks a TON of water like there will never be any more on earth. Then, a month after getting him, his toenails started to get white stripes down them. Also, he does this funny thing with his eyes when he is focused on a bone, looks almost like nystagmus.
Suddenly, the week of Christmas, he had a hematoma on his left ear and needed to have surgery to repair it. It started as a bruise on the ear about two days prior and then gradually filled with fluid. He was not bitten, and he didn't, get into anything, so

Then while he was living in complete confinement in the other half of the house (where my own dogs are not allowed) because he still had sutures, I noticed a similar looking bruise on the right ear and within days it, too, filled and he needed it repaired. Now we have a double scarred Wasabi :( But hey the ears still stand...lol.
With all that being said, now onto what testing has been done.
We have run every blood test known to canine and nothing!!!!
Wasabi has been tested for Cushings and Addisons, ruled out diabetes, he has had a urinalysis, urine culture and specific gravity all within normal limits, brucellosis test negative, heartworm negative, all platelet, white and red blood cells normal. ALL NORMAL?
He has been seen by a general practice, and internal specialist and last week a neurologist. The internist did radiographs and they seemed to see some issues with his spine,

The neurologist says his neuro exam itself was completely normal. All reflexes normal and no pain noted. She does not think that the diskospondylitis is all of his problems and thinks that the urination could possibly be behavioral.
So with all that said, it does not seem that Wasabi will be finding a forever home in time for Valentine's day, but keep him in your

He's a frog of mystery! He's Wasabi! If you can help, please drop us a note in the comments section. Wasabi is being fostered in Texas.
We do enjoy a mystery, but this is getting ridiculous! frets
The Frog Princess
has he been checked for toxins? the white stripe reminds me of some kind of poison case i heard about a long time ago
Is there a chance this poor frog has concominant disorders? A lack of desmopressin would be an etiology of polyuria which obviously you have investigated. What if in addition he has type III von willebrand's dz where normal clotting can be further exacerbated by the former disorder and present in an otherwise subclinical VWF case? Just a guess. Im not sure if canines can suffer from this. I will run the case by my neurology and nephrology colleagues and get back to you.
What a strange set of symptoms! Maybe something along the lines of good bacteria (from yoghurt &/or acidophilus) might help the diarrhea? Or digestive enzymes (like Prozyme)? Best of luck to the little man!
Poor kid!
I'm glad he has FBRN.
Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that little Wasabi is having such problems. My frog has some similar incontinent issues, with her hemivertebra.
My question, is where do you find these diapers that Wasabi is wearing? My little froggie would love to have one that actually stays on for more than 5 minutes!
Hugs and kisses for little Wasabi!
the poison you are probably referencing is arsenic. symptoms include white stripes in nails and excessive urination and thirst. i feel like that's unlikely though bc it's been ongoing for so long. if he got into rat poison or something, it should be out of his system by now. good luck fbrn!
Dear little Wasabi I hope one of these wonderful readers can point FBRN in a direction that will find answers for you.
Get well soon you precious little boy.
We had a female frenchie dx. with diaetes insipidus who had the same symptoms. She was d. with Desmopressin (human nasal spray used as eyedrops) in 2004. shortly after (about a year) she developed neuro problems (including severe nystagmus) and after much extensive/expensive testing was dx. with an extremely rare inner ear tumor. She was treated with an experimental treatment of high dose antibiotocs, which shrunk the tumor and for all purposed "cured" her. We lost her in 9/06 to acute kidney failure for no apparent reason at the age of 8; altho I think it might have been secondary to the high dose of antibiotics. In any case we enjoyed 2 wonderful years with Serengeti that we wouldn't have had. Hope this helps, if you want to get in touch with me please do..she was treated at VCA Aurora (IL) by Dr. McKay.
Hang in there, Wasabi!
Would it be possible to find out results of his Complete Blood Profile/CBC? I am a vet tech and had one of our vets read the blog and tried to pick her brain for ideas- she was wondering about the blood profile-any elevations, decreases? I would love to run it by one of the vets at the local Vet. Tech school as well for any more possible ideas. I have been in love with Wasabi since he was first posted in Foster care. My boys are also in love with him now as they have watched me check in on him to see if there has been any progress made on him and we LOVE his name!!! We are rooting for an answer to be found for Mr. Wasabi.
Send your email address to the FP at
fp-fbrn at comcast dot net. We may be able to get the records to you.
poor WASABI HANG ON!!!!!
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