"I wanted to share this story with you all...
We're having a yard sale to benefit FBRN this weekend & all my neighbors know... some are jockeying for first rights to it since they know I'm a ridiculous shopper that changes stuff around her house all the time... yes it is a disease, I should probably start my own support group. Anyhow, the most surprising thing happened to me today...
The door bell rang & so me & Remi answered the door leaving Rudi lounging away (we call it lampin' out around our house) on the sofa& our foster puggle, Petey, sleeping on his blankie in the kitchen.There stood my neighbor's littlest girl, Amanda, 8 years old, all dressed up in her cute little dress fresh from school. In her hands
she had a bag of rolled up pennies. She said to me,

I thanked her & so did Remi, who is little Ms. Social Butterfly & she

waved goodbye & went back home. Now, I know for certain that Amanda has been saving her pennies for a long time so while 11 rolls of coins is not a lot for us adults, 11 rolls of coins for the little ones is a lot of savings to part with. All I can say is bless her little heart, it is purely sweet!!!!"
Several months ago, we got a letter from a young woman who wanted to know what she could do to help FBRN dogs. It gave us an idea to start a program to reach out to other young people who might like to get involved. If you know of someone under 18 who is

We've heard that a lot of schools are including a community service/volunteer component to the curriculum and leaving the particulars of where, when and how to students and their families. If you have a child with some hours to do, we'd be delighted to put your child's energy to work on behalf of some needy French bulldogs.

Isn't that a nice logo? One of our volunteers made it. She's expecting her first FBRN Junior volunteer any day now.
The logo is available on stuff at our Cafe Press site.
Consider doing something with your children this summer to benefit the Frenchies of FBRN. If you think of some good ideas for fun activities, please leave a note in the comments. We'd love to hear what people come up with!
The Frog Princess
How wonderful! My 9 year old is already scheming, and finally in a good way! God bless, Patty , Zoe and Zombo ("snort")
These children's stories are heart warming. They are the rescuers of tomorrow.
I love the new logo and though I'm far from JR I just may have to get something anyway.
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