"Please allow me to share what amazing volunteers we have:
E.C. & P. K. handled the surrender [of 3 retired breeders]. M. went above & beyond the call to help these girls move from the foster-clogged Midwest to sunny FL to start their new lives. She had planned a trip for a week or so later but moved her trip up and agreed to transport 3 surrenders in addition to her service dobie, Custer, & companion dog, Tacy, in her Subaru sedan.
Saturday, April 3, The 3 KS mill girls were surrendered; Mary was already headed there from CO. P. housed M., her entourage and the 3 new FBRN girls on Saturday night. Sunday M. headed east & south to make it to Nashville and a stay w/ TN volunteer C. H's family. Monday morning she headed to the deep south and to arrive for a stay w/D. & T. in north FL.
One girl, now April, stayed w/D. and T. and the other 2 headed south on Tuesday. After a couple hour visit in Orlando,

they headed back west to meet up with volunteer G.G. G. transported his and G.M's new foster girls, now Cambridge & Reva, to their new foster homes!
We have totally amazing volunteers!!"
We really do. Right now, we are looking high and low for people willing to foster dogs for us in California. If you are interested in joining our remarkable band of willing and enthusiastic rescuers, please contact frenchiehelper at aol dot com.

And now to answer one of the first questions asked of The Frog Princess:
"Dear Frog Princess:
How do you keep your Tiara on your head? My Mom is forever trying to dress me up and I don't like it one bit! She says I am the only Frenchie that doesn't like to play dress up. I think it is humiliating.
Little Pip in Upstate NY."
Dear Little Pip:
We do have a tiara we wear for some informal formal occasions, but the headgear you see in my photo is a handmade crown found by one of our subjects in a local bazaar. It has a very nice and stretchy elastic that fits under one's chin.
We do understand that for those Frenchies whose work does not include affairs of state, the insistence of one's attendant upon one's wearing headgear, bangles, fancy dresses, costumes, or other articles of clothing can be terribly irksome. We recommend that our nudie friends demand that their attendants find another outlet for their dress up fantasies. May we suggest they borrow a baby or acquire a mannequin of some kind?

FBRN grad Haricot
It is also possible to find FBRN foster dogs who do not disdain wearing habiliments. Depending on your temperament, you might encourage your attendant to seek out one of these to exercise her unwanted attentions upon.
If all else fails, a well-directed nip and a pointed and direct exclamation of disgust may be required. Though some might fear the consequences, we feel sure that not a jury in the land would convict you.
The Frog Princess
Haricot looks divine all dressed up and perched on her red pillow! Is Cambridge a mix? Or have her ears collapsed?
Thank you Frog Princess. I shall ask Miss Haricot to visit with her Maman.
Your Humble Servant,
Little Pip
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