We had an inquiry about Smeagol. His mom responded with this message:
"All is well in Smeagies world. Nothing too exciting or earth shattering, just the way he likes it! ;) He's currently thrilled to have his Uncle Norn staying with us while we've been traveling this month, so he's banking some extra snuggle time.
Smeags continues to see a Rehab Vet for laser treatments, heat wraps and massages to help ease the tension built up in his poorly designed shoulders. Needless to say, he eats all the attention up with a spoon!
Most exciting of all, though, is Smeags most recent modeling job. Sure the pay was only fish treats, belly rubs, kisses and cooing, but this boy loves to work it for the camera! I've attached a few of photos of Smeags displaying D's beautifully handcrafted Napoleon Bonapart costume for your enjoyment."
Oh, good heavens. Was there ever a more handsome beast? It's simply unfair to those with a crush on that absurdly delicious animal to put him in a uniform. I hear the sounds of bodies crashing to the floor all over the world as they swoon with desire and admiration. Those eyes! Those ears! The jaunty, devil-may-care arrangement of his teefs in over and under lip presentations.
Never let it be said that Smeagol is without savoir faire, panache, elan, and
The Frog Princess
Ah, be still my heart! Thank you for the update on this special guy (who, by the way, does look positively smashing!). Please disregard the snorts of jealousy from Zombo, who knows he can't pull off such an outfit with the same panache. We love you, Smeags!
He looks fantastic! Perfect match of costume and model.
in praise of the older man! yes, indeed, mr smeagol has it goin' on. so glad that he's happy in his golden years.
Just the right way to start the merry month of May: more Smeagol! Thanks, FP.
Smeagol outdoes Napoleon. Beautiful costume and whadda handsome dog! *sigh* A Swooning Smeagol Fan
Like that old Gang of Four song goes (sorta). "I LOVE A FROG IN A UNIFORM"
fan from Portland
What a manly man, so wise, so noble!
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