Do you have questions about FBRN and our policies? Would you like to know more about Frenchies and their odd behaviors?
Well, wonder no more! If you have a general question about FBRN or about Frenchies, leave a comment below. If The FP doesn't know the answer, she'll find someone who does.
Please, no questions about your individual application. General questions of general interest will be answered.
Anticipatorily yours,
The Frog Princess
Dear Frog Princess:
How do you keep your Tiara on your head? My Mom is forever trying to dress me up and I don't like it one bit! She says I am the only Frenchie that doesn't like to play dress up. I think it is humiliating.
Little Pip in Upstate NY.
Wondering about our girl Queenie??
Yes, how do you keep your tiara on? LuLu (my froggie) can take her headgear off faster than I can put it back on!! You are soooo cute with the tiara! Sandra/LuLu
And how is our man Smeagol?
I happened to be present at the photo shoot of the FP's head shot. I can tell you that the tiara had a length of elastic attached, that went under the royal chin. Though it wasn't too tight the FP has blamed her "extra chin" on that elastic ever since. Really it just makes her look more distinguished and for pity sake - she only weighs 13 pounds soaking wet!
signed, a royal spy
hi fp! nice to see a closeup of your adorable face and lovely tiara. my buddy lucas thinks you are extraordinarily attractive and quite regal. he's swooning as i type!
he wants me to take a picture of his strange pink hairs before they come out. they're nowhere near as pretty as your tiara, though.
I have a question about the wonderful corkscrew tails. I have had Frenchies and Bostons for years and never ran into a tail problem before now. Is there justification to amputate a tail? My little girls tail turns in on her butt and barely lifts up when she potties. I have been wiping her clean daily but it really seems to bother her. I have a trusted vet tell me to think about amputating her tail. He wouldn't suggest this if he didn't feel it would help her. I just don't want to put her through the pain unless it is absolutely the right thing to do. Have you guys had to amputate tails and how much pain will she be in after the surgery? I had one vet tell me it is very painful for the dog to have their tail taken off. I just want her to be comfortable and happy. Thanks, Jen and Sophie
Where is your scepter? And how lovely is your throne? Does your person curtsy whenever you pass by?
God Save the Frog Princess!
Dear Princess,
Why are Frenchies so addictive? Once you have one, it's just not enough. You want one more, then perhaps one more. Then you start looking for their image on all sorts of things, like your coffee cup, tote bag, etc. Then you spend your free time browsing the internet looking at them. Is it a sickness??
Look closely, it's NOT a tiara, it is an actual CROWN.
That is all the difference in the world!
I am a lucky Frenchie puppymill cast off now living in a great forever home. I am lonely and would love to have a brother or sister Frenchie. My mother is afraid that I would be jealous of a new addition to our home. How can I convince her that I would get along with a new brother or sister? I think she is afraid that I would not love her anymore. What should my mother do to prepare me for a new addition to our home?
Frog Princess I love reading your updates. I find your sense of humor highly amusing and look forward to your posts. Thank you for all of your hard work and keep it up with this great blog!
I know the FBRN policy is to never, ever ship a Frenchie. Have you noticed whether people tend to adopt frenchies from their area, or do a lot of people travel a long distance to pick up the Frenchie of their dreams? Of course, a French Bulldog is worth traveling around the world for, but I just wondered how many people do!
Indeed. Tiara -- hmmph! Uneasy lies the head that wears, and all that.
I too am lonely as my Bullmastiff sis passed away in September. How does one convince the Dad of the family that it is time for another frenchie in the house?? We are so much smaller then Bullmastiffs I can't imagine he would even notice 2 or 3 more.
Lonely girl Stella
I notice that so many of the lucky FBRN grads live with stay-at-home moms and dads. This certainly in ideal for all involved, but in promoting the rescue, I've come across so many wonderful homes where parents work either part or fulltime. How important is this work from home status for an adoptable frog that would "do just fine with a mid-day walk"?
Does FBRN ever set up meet and greets between potential adopters' pets and the future adoptee before the adoption proceeds? If there are several applications, might be a way to further screen.
Any chance for updated info and photos of the fosters and availables on an on-going basis?
I'd like to piggyback on the other post. Dogs that are listed as ok with being home alone during the day still go to stay at home families. Do you consider those of us who aren't lucky enough to work at home or bring the dogs to work? I'm starting to feel rejected. : (
Thank you for the breakdown of costs on the home page. I can't believe people think rescue groups are in it for the money! Thank you for all the work you do to help the frenchies.
Hello! I am new to the adoration of the Frogdog--a novice devotee, as it were. I am contentedly owned and serving my boxer girl, Rosie, currently but believe she pines away for someone who truly understands her passion for pulling out her stuffed baby's innards. I hear frenchies have many of the personality traits I adore in boxers (goofy grins, great comic timing, eager to please, intelligence without OCD or herding types)without the size and strength that makes a young boxer so daunting. Your thoughts, Your Highness? Can a servant of a boxer make the transition to a Frenchie-supplicant?
I'd also like to piggyback on the posts about households where both adults work. As part of a 2 professional couple, I've never felt welcome at this rescue either. I may not be home all day, but I have the financial resources for the high medical bills these dogs are likely to have and am able to make sure my dog is well cared for on the days we both have to work late.
I enjoy donating to FBRN any way I can but I have noticed on my iGive summary page that three months of iGive checks have not yet been cashed. What gives?
Considering the popularity on this post...
Has FBRN ever considered using a message board for people in the community to congratulate the grads and adopters, ask FB-related health and behavioral questions, or announce FB news?
Hi, I have a question about a fenced yard. I am very interested in adopting a rescued frenchie but we are considering adding an invisible fence to our yard, which is secluded from the street already and isn't very "fence-able." What does FBRN think of invisible fences vs. the traditional posts and slats? Of course, we have looked into training and are very aware that invisible fencing demands effort on our part of a different sort than the traditional kind.
Dear Frog Princess,
I know some of the FBRN fosters (because of back problems) will only be adopted to families that have no stairs in their homes. Are stairs generally a problem for Frenchies without back problems? Are they likely to become a problem for any Frenchie as s/he ages? We live in a two-story house, so I'm wondering if the flight of stairs connecting the two floors would be a problem. Also, we have an outside deck at the level of the second story with stairs going down to the yard (which is at the level of the first story). Would this deck or the stairs be dangerous for a Frenchie? We currently are not graced by a canine presence in our home but hope to be in the near future. In the meantime, the deck needs renovating, and I'm trying to look at it from a canine point of view. Any guidance?
Yours truly,
I have a 3.5 year old male Frenchie that is much loved. We have been through several health issues during his short life, ear infections, yeast infections, demodex, surgery for a slipped disc in his neck, and he has had his palate clipped and had his nares widened. Whew...Now for the tough one we are going through now. He started to act lethargic and did not want to even cross the threshold to go out and in the dog lot last week and the vet took x-rays and has diagnosed him with degenerative disc disease. He is on Prednisone and Tramadol, and he has good and bad times. Sometimes he is rambunctious, which we REALLY try to control, and sometimes, like this morning, he just looks sad and seems to be hurting even with his meds. I am looking at all avenues and wondering if the Frog Princess has any encouraging words or recommendations for me? I want to do all I can for him, but I don't want him to be in pain. Thank you so much-Pam Trent (Bailey's mom)
So many of our Frenchies have suffered back injuries and some, like Bailey, have disc disease! It's key to keep the pain managed and to enforce crate rest to get the best possible recovery. Many of our frogs live long lives, mostly pain free, even with degenerative disc disease, but we'll ask the group about their experience and respond in a post.
We are so sorry to hear about Bailey!
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