"March was an eventful month for Tripp. He celebrated his 15th Birthday in grand style. Got his photos back from his photo shoot. Got to join some FBRN friends for dinner.

Sometimes it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks ..especially when he is as smarter than we are!
In April his Bucket List continues when we get to help out in the FBRN Booth at the Pet Expo. No applications so far for the "Hugh Hefner" of FBRN... people don't know what they are missing! Love this guy!"
FBRN is hoping that someone sees the light fantastic and figures out that they really, truly want Tripp to snuggle with for the rest of his days. Look at that handsome beast! What a profile!
We'll leave you with this beefcake shot and plenty of happy birthday wishes to this healthy, happy elder frogsman from
The Frog Princess
1 comment:
I hope Tripp had a great party! I remember when he first came to fbrn. Happy 15, sweet boy.
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